Colleges have various programs and degrees that fit all types of students. Some colleges really cater to students who like to think outside the box. Below are 2 colleges who offer students an opportunity to take one class at a time. This is a great option for students.

1. Colorado College  (

  • This college runs on a block program where students take 1 course for 3 1/2 weeks.
  • At the end of the month, students have a period of time from Wednesday afternoon to Monday to enjoy all of the outdoor activities and be part of their community.
  • Students complete 4 blocks per semester and 8 blocks per year.
  • The school has 2,000 students
  • This is also a great school for students who love to spend time outdoors.

2. Quest University (

  • This college also runs on a similar block program where students complete 1 course per month.
  • The school has 600 students enrolled.
  • The average class size is 20:1
  • All students are working towards receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Arts & Sciences.
  • However, each student is required to pose a question, research, discover and utilize community opportunities to answer this question.
  • At the end of their studies, they answer their question in a final presentation.



These aren’t the only colleges that offer this program, but they are the closest to the Northwest. For students who excel in an environment where they can just focus on one class at a time, these are fantastic options.


Check them out!